
Archive for August, 2013

End-of-summer Treats


This morning’s walk on the carriage trail yielded some lovely things to look at. On the way up the trail, I stopped for a while to watch a large bee gather nectar from jewelweed blossoms. She was methodical: burrow into a blossom, back out, buzz over to the next blossom. What amazing aerodynamic powers!

Then I did my daily check-in with the pawpaw tree near the top of the trail. These pretties are plump and ready to plop. I predict it will happen sometime in the next week.


Finally, here’s a closeup of the fruit, or seed pod, or whatever it is called, produced by the moonflowers in a garden at the top of the trail. I love the unfurling moonflowers and their lemony scent. But this part of the plant is just as dramatic.


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